Follow-up: Terminated instructor continues fight to clear the record

By: Jyllian Roach, Editor-In-Chief | Photo By: Jonathan Gamboa

Former Full-time History Instructor Steve Cormier said that he may have lost the arbitration for his case, but he will continue to fight to set the record straight.

The now retired instructor has filed a grievance against the arbitrator for gross negligence in the deci­sion, he said.

The arbitration deci­sion, issued in October, 2012, sided with CNM and found Cormier responsible in accusations that he used excessive force against Part-time SAGE instructor Cheryl Brown in November, 2011, said Cormier.

Cormier has con­tended since a com­plaint was filed that he treated Brown gently and respectfully, he said.

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Follow-up: Improvements to main campus underway

By: Shaya Rogers, Staff Reporter

Safety and Security staff members have been working to fix security issues on all campuses.

The CNM Chronicle Volume 18, Issue 10 arti­cle of the titled “Second Safety Walk Finds More Campus Hazards” reported problems discovered during the Campus Safety Walk and the Volume 18, Issue 11 article titled “Lack of Accessibility Disrupts Learning Environment ” reported accessibil­ity issues with auto­matic door openers.

S a f e t y Director Gilbert Gallegos said CNM staff and contractors have been repairing the code blue phones so they are more visible around campus and more acces­sible in case of an emergency.

“You’ll proba­bly be seeing ven­dors on campus in the coming weeks, doing a little cosmetic work, buffing and polishing them, giving them wax jobs, bringing out the color of the code blues,” he said.

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Governing Board approves $1 work study raise

By: Daniel Johnson, Staff Reporter |Graphic By: Jonathan Gamboa

Work Study Pay RaisesA proposal to match stu­dent work study wages to the new city-wide mini­mum wage was passed unani­mously by the Governing Board, said Director of Communications & Media Relations Brad Moore.

The new minimum wage, approved in the Nov. 2 general election, did not apply to state employees, work study stu­dents included.

There had been some question about whether CNM would be able to pass the raise on to student employees.

Administration and the Governing Board decided that student employ­ees should get the same raise as the rest of the city,” said Moore.

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