Chit Chat: What three things would you want to have if stranded on a deserted island

By Daniel Johnson, Investigative Reporter

Jocelyn Hernandez, Business

“Food, books to read and my family to keep me company.”

Joely Morales, Psychology

“A lighter for fire, a book to read and a phone to stay in touch.”

 Adam Dyba, Engineering

“Beer, a good book and a weapon of some sort for hunting.”

 Carl Decimus, Civil Engineering

“Water, Alicia Keys to keep me focused and a GPS device so I can know where I am.”

 Alex Cordova, Physics

“Copper wire, a really big magnet and a knife. The magnet and copper wire will allow me to make electricity so I can start my own civilization.”

 Ashley Liptok, Pre-Health Sciences,  

“Matches, water and Chuck Norris for protection.”

 Gladys Monroy, Biology

“My whole family, food and clothes so we are not running around butt naked.”

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