Duggan’s Refill

Story and Media by

Mark Graven

Staff Reporter

Continuation of Duggan’s Coffee

Kevin Scanlan, says that, at the suggestion of his wife, and co-owner of Duggan’s Coffee Shop, Mary Scanlan, they gave their coffee shop a newspaper theme, which shows up most certainly on the menu, with sandwiches with names like “The Editor, “or “The Publisher.”  
Mary, who is head of Facilities Management at CNM, was an admirer of Kevin’s father, who was a newspaper publisher in the Midwest, and whose nickname was Duggan.

Kevin says one of the main purposes of the shop has been to encourage folks to read the newspapers–not just settle for the internet– and then exchange ideas, on whatever topic, in a civil manner.  
In its nearly seven years of existence Duggan’s has been a place where CNM presidents, deans, administrators, faculty, and students could meet, and talk over the news of the day. 
It has also been a popular place for UNM athletes and scholars to congregate.  So that you might easily someone from the women’s track team and someone working on their Master’s thesis at the same sitting.
In today’s edition, we give you a refill from the coffee pot of Kevin’s ideas, including his thoughts on the future of Duggan’s.