Recycle This Newspaper

By the Chronicle Editorial Board

It is so great to see CNM taking the initiative to get stu­dents educated in recycling, and helping students take these habits with them to maybe start recy­cling in their own homes.

New recycle bins will be placed throughout CNM cam­puses that do not require separa­tion of recyclable items.

Recycling helps keep disposal costs down while preserving nat­ural resources and protecting the air, soil, and groundwater. Much of the more than 1,800 tons of trash generated by the city each day can be recycled, and just think how much CNM can con­tribute to making Albuquerque a top recycling city.

If materials are reused or recycled instead of being dis­posed of at landfills, less energy will be used, such as the produc­tion of an aluminum can from recycled metal uses 95 percent less energy than a can produced from raw aluminum.

Also, recyclables are now finally being collected with curb­side service receptacles through­out the city, so if you have not gotten a recyclables container in your home, you can always call Waste Management at 761- 8100 and request a recyclables container.

Using the 3 R’s of reducing, reusing and recycling at home, in school or at work can greatly help to change our great city for the better, and will show that Albuquerque residents have come along from the days of illegal Westside dumping sites.