Math League gets its π on

After more than two years of dormancy, the Math League is available once again to students who love math, need help with their home­work or are just inter­ested in learning a little more about the often dreaded subject.

The chartered stu­dent organization meets every Saturday on Main campus and is open to students at any math level, said Engineering major and club President Myra Villalobos.

“It’s not a competitive group. You don’t have to be a math all-star; we just want you to come and do your math,” she said.

Studying at meet­ings has helped all group members improve their math skills, Villalobos said.

“We realized how dif­ferent each one of us is and how helpful it is to study together. We have different strengths and weaknesses,” she said.

The group re-formed during the fall 2012 term with four members and an adviser. The club now hosts about 20 stu­dents per meeting and a STEP-UP tutor is pres­ent to provide help if the group gets stuck, she said.

“We want to get people from the lower levels in math show up for help so they understand that it really is a process and that we all go through it,” she said.

The group’s home­work model has become popular, and is now being used for both a Physics and a Biology club, Villalobos said.

Math League

  • 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays
  • Main campus
  • Jeanette Stromberg Hall JS-208

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