Follow up: Disbursement kicks off, Wells Fargo representatives nowhere to be found

By: Jonathan Baca, Senior Staff Reporter

Spring disburse¬ment went smoothly on Main Campus with the noted absence of Wells Fargo bankers aggressively reminding students to cash their checks at the nearest Wells Fargo branch.
There were booths set up by Wells Fargo and Bank of Albuquerque on Main Campus, but their workers were told not to approach stu¬dents, said Director of Marketing and Commu n i c a t i o n s Brad Moore.
“They know they are supposed to let students come to them. If they do get more aggressive, security will remind them,” said Moore.
Students compared the absence of the Wells Fargo bankers this term as opposed to the fall semester.
“I do remember getting approached by them last time. It was uncomfortable that right after I get handed all this money, some guy comes up to me and tells me what to do with it,” said Nursing Major Elizabeth Brooklyn.
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