Chit Chat: What is your favorite mixed drink?

By Shaya Roger, Features Repoter

Tasha Davidson, Mechanical Engineering

“I like beer. I don’t like alcohol. Beer I can have more of because I don’t really drink often.”

 Jeremiah Goodson, Fire Science

“It would probably be Jack Daniels and Coke. I guess because I’m from Texas so we drink Jack and Coke a lot.”

 Nathan Steinman, Nursing Assistant

“Honestly, I don’t really have one. I guess I can’t come up with one off the top of my head that stands out. That Fireball stuff is pretty good.”

 Bo Sanchez, Networking Administration

“Long island iced tea because it does the job quickly and tastes good.”

 Daisy Hercules, Nursing major

“Probably Malibu pineapple. It’s a sweet drink.”

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