Suncat Chit Chat

By Nick Stern, Senior Reporter | Photos By Nick Stern
Has the computer lab move affected you at all? How do you like the labs?

Stephanie Avila Business major “It’s harder sometimes during the day because it is really congested.”
Stephanie Avila
Business major
“It’s harder sometimes during the day
because it is really congested.”
Steven Doolittle Psychology major “I don’t really have an opinion on whether the computers should be here or downstairs. I don’t really feel any different about it”
Steven Doolittle
Psychology major
“I don’t really have an opinion on whether the
computers should be here or downstairs. I
don’t really feel any different about it”
Jennie Flores Radiology and Psychology major “Not really. I definitely use the computers and there’s times when it’s been a little crowded but I’ve always been able to get on one.”
Jennie Flores
Radiology and Psychology major
“Not really. I definitely use the computers and
there’s times when it’s been a little crowded
but I’ve always been able to get on one.”
Jeff Whiteman Social work major “I’ve been attending this center (ACE) for math for actually 18 months now. I utilize it quite a bit and I think it’s pretty fantastic. Up here is really difficult. It has affected me (The move). I found about the ones being gone downstairs when I went and tried to use them when I couldn’t get on one here (ACE). That’s when I realized they were gone.
Jeff Whiteman
Social work major
“I’ve been attending this center (ACE) for math for
actually 18 months now. I utilize it quite a bit and
I think it’s pretty fantastic. Up here is really difficult.
It has affected me (The move). I found about
the ones being gone downstairs when I went and
tried to use them when I couldn’t get on one here
(ACE). That’s when I realized they were gone.
Jeff Grey Civil Engineering major “I think the Student Center, that’s what it’s called right, is great! The move hasn’t really affected me at all.”
Jeff Grey
Civil Engineering major
“I think the Student Center, that’s what
it’s called right, is great! The move
hasn’t really affected me at all.”
Dylan Larsen Pharmacy Tech major “If I get to the labs a little later in the day I can get on a computer without any effort whatsoever. It’s all in the timing!”
Dylan Larsen
Pharmacy Tech major
“If I get to the labs a little later in the day I
can get on a computer without any effort
whatsoever. It’s all in the timing!”

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